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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 8:24 PM

On Santa And Trump

March 10, 2025 Editor, The News-Gazette: How can any reasonable person approve of Santa Claus or support his policies? This is a man who exploits elderly animals, forcing them to work endlessly in wintry conditions to the point of exhaustion. One of his reindeer has a congenital facial defect that could be cured by muzzle affirming surgery. But Claus allows him to go untreated while laughing the entire time. Ho, ho, ho. His purpose? He enters households illegally after dark and promotes a tradition that forces families into debt.

Worse yet, he has a captive workforce of handicapped laborers who do not receive pay or benefits, not even a dental plan. Nor can they escape, given the location of the sweat shop factory. Examination of their likenesses reveals the deeply racist and sexist elements of their bondage.

Claus pays no taxes nor does he share his vast wealth with charity. His very image encourages obesity and sugar addiction among children. He crosses international boundaries without inspection, delivering inferior Chinese goods while wearing a red suit and using a different alias in each country. What more would it take to confirm that Claus is a puppet of Moscow and Peking? He has never done a decent thing for America or the world. We must stop this dictatorial fascist before he cancels democracy.

Or we could just keep bashing Donald Trump. JOHN SAPPINGTON Rockbridge County


Lexington News Gazette
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