Rachel Clark, (630) 607-9938 [email protected]
Thank you to the praise team for leading worship at New Monmouth Presbyterian Church on Sunday, and thank you to Dianne Swink and Laura Hotinger for the offertory.
There are opportunities for everyone to get involved in vacation Bible school. Let Teresa Thompson or Casey and Rachel Clark know if you’d like to help out. Teresa will have flyers available next week to hand out and invite your friends.
The next confirmation class is Monday, May 1, at 5:30 at the Clark’s house.
The Kerrs Creek Ruritan Club met in March and our speaker was Vicki Pickle, director of senior services at Valley Program for Aging Services. Vicki talked about her role and what VPAS offers, such as Meals on Wheels. Contact VPAS if you want to volunteer.
The Ruritan Club met on April 18 and the guest speaker was Karen Stanley from Boxerwood.
John Burleson reminded members to fly the American flag appropriately. Gary Swink installed Amy Swink as a new member. She is a fourth generation Ruritan. Scholarship recipients have been chosen and will be presented at Rockbridge County High School on May 23.
The May club meeting will be held at New Monmouth Presbyterian Church on May 16 at 6:30 p.m.