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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 7:39 AM

Calendar Of Events

Wednesday, Jan. 18

Wednesday, Jan. 18

6 p.m. – MLK Reflections Dinner, Evans Dining Hall, W&L; registration required at go.wlu.edu/mlkreflections.

7 pm. – Webinar, “Kudzu and Beyond: Addressing Invasive Plants in Rockbridge,” with guest speaker Jared Lee, hosted by Rockbridge Conservation; register at www.rockbridgeconservation. org.

Thursday, Jan. 19

Day - Lexington Country Horse Show I, continues through Sunday, free parking and admission, Anderson Coliseum, Virginia Horse Center.

Friday, Jan. 20

6 p.m. – MLK Shabbat , Hillel House, W&L; seating limited; register at go.wlu.edu/mlk.

Saturday, Jan. 21

10 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Rockbridge Master Gardeners’ annual Seed Swap, Piovano Room, Rockbridge Regional Library; seed packets available to everyone - exchanging seeds not required; Master Gardeners Plant Clinic members to also offer advice on selecting seeds as well as how to grow them.

5 to 7:30 p.m. – Spaghetti supper, all you can eat, by donation only, dine-in or take-out, Collierstown United Methodist Church.

6 p.m. – Cakewalk and dinner, Rockbridge Baths Fire Department, burgers and fries dinners start at 6; cakewalk at 6:30; door and raffle prizes available.

Tuesday, Jan. 23

5:30 p.m. – Artist’s talk, Sam Blanchard to speak about his latest solo exhibit, “Futile State,” Wilson Hall’s Concert Hall, Lenfest Center.

Friday, Jan. 27

Day - USA BMX Bike Racing, Blue Ridge Nationals, continues through Saturday, Anderson

Coliseum, Virginia Horse Center.

7:30 p.m. – Performance, Miami All Stars , Lenfest Center, W&L; tickets available by calling (540) 458-8000.

Saturday, Jan. 28

10 a.m. to noon. ‒ Guided walk in Brushy Hills Preserve, “Celebration of Trees: Winter,” meet at the Brushy Hills trailhead at 1010 Union Run; for more information, email friendsofbrushyhills@ gmail.com.

Friday, Feb. 3 6 to 8 p.m. – Private School Fair , 6 to 8 p.m., Grace Presbyterian Church; fair continues on Saturday from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Wednesday, Feb. 1

7:45 p.m. – Talk, Shaquem Griffin, former defensive linebacker for the Seattle Seahawks, as part of the Center for Leadership and Ethics Courageous Leadership speaker series, Gillis Theater, Marshall Hall.

Friday, Feb. 3

Day - Lexington Country Horse Show II, continues through Sunday, Anderson Coliseum, Virginia Horse Center.

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – American Red Cross blood drive, Natural Bridge firehouse, sponsored by Natural Bridge Ruritan Club; visit https://www.redcross. org/give-blood.html for reservations (recommended).

Sunday, Feb. 5

3 p.m. – Concert by students of the Washington and Lee University Piano Program, Wilson Concert Hall; the concert will be live-streamed at livesteam.com/ wlu.

Saturday, Feb. 11

Day - Winter Saddlebred Tournament, Bent Tree Farm Barn, Virginia Horse Center.


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