Carolyn Bradley, 258-2720
The weather was just right for the Rocking the Gorge music event with Jason Hostetter and Friends on Saturday night. As expected, a large crowd was on hand. Bizzee B’s and the Glasgow Volunteer Fire Department provided food. The next music event is scheduled for Aug. 12 with Southpaw.
The next Town Council meeting will be Aug. 8 at the Library. All meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month, with a few exceptions during the year. Regular meetings are open to the public. If you need to bring an issue before council you need to contact Town Hall and get your name on the agenda. Anyone interested in running for a seat on council this fall, and you haven’t already registered with the county registrar to have your name put on the ballet, you may run as a write-in. It would be a good idea to begin attending council meetings to get familiar with what is going on, and how meetings are conducted.
The next Community Table meal in Glasgow will be on Aug. 9 at the Thompson Community Center.
Continue to support your local Farmers Market, as a vendor or as a customer, or both. Folks want those fresh, homegrown veggies. If you have a garden that is beginning to produce more than you need, you’re welcome to bring the extras to the market and sell them. There is no fee, but you will need to provide your own table.