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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 7:29 AM

Glasgow Council Adopts Rules For Orderly Meetings

Glasgow Town Council adopted a set of basic rules for conducting orderly council meetings at its first meeting of the year Jan. 11.

Glasgow Town Council adopted a set of basic rules for conducting orderly council meetings at its first meeting of the year Jan. 11.

With the newest Council members seated at the table, Mayor Paul Williams read the rules before they were adopted by Council.

They include a prohibition against negative comments or personal attacks against Town Council or town employees, and vice versa. For complaints regarding Council members or town employees, residents must follow proper procedure and contact the mayor. The public will not engage in conversation with Council or interrupt the meeting with comments. To be on the agenda, residents must contact town hall at least one week before the Council meeting. The public comment period is for speakers to address subjects that on that night’s agenda only. Each speaker will be limited to no long than three minutes.

Glasgow resident Susan Wood appeared before Council to ask Council (1) to consider placing a star or angel on the lighted tree on the Town Hall property for Christmas 2023; (2) to have someone update the town’s website; and (3) to establish some sort of communication with residents alerting them of water outages, water line breakages, power outages, etc.

Town Manager George Hayfield told Council that they have advertised for a new town police chief, but are waiting for more applications before making a decision.

Chris Flint spoke for the Community Development Committee, noting three bands have been contracted for the Rocking the Gorge music series, for June, July and August. The regional fair will return in September.

Carolyn Bradley, farmers’ market manager, noted they will open on Saturday, May 6, with a craft show.

It was also noted that in December a water line on Va. 130 was repaired, which resulted in several households experiencing water outages, or low water pressure for several hours.

After months of complaints and negotiations, the trash pile between the Pocahontas Street and the railroad in North Glasgow was cleaned up by C&S Disposal.

Senior Council member Andrea “Andi” Bradley was approved for the position of vice mayor for the coming year.


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