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Saturday, February 22, 2025 at 5:38 PM

Jab At BV Draws Response

Editor, The News-Gazette: In reference to Gladys Hopkin’s letter to the editor on Dec. 28, I would like to respond with the following: I can certainly appreciate her exasperations with regard to an alleged misrepresentation with regard to Sheetz. However, I would really appreciate a response from anyone in Lexington regarding my frustration. Why is it that a host of Lexingtonians can’t resist the urge to take a shot at Buena Vista?

Editor, The News-Gazette: In reference to Gladys Hopkin’s letter to the editor on Dec. 28, I would like to respond with the following: I can certainly appreciate her exasperations with regard to an alleged misrepresentation with regard to Sheetz. However, I would really appreciate a response from anyone in Lexington regarding my frustration. Why is it that a host of Lexingtonians can’t resist the urge to take a shot at Buena Vista?

I don’t understand – you have Walmart – we come to Lexington to go to Walmart. You have Kroger – we come to Kroger. You have all the best restaurants – we come to your restaurants. You even have a bank that lots of our citizens did business with, but when Atlantic Union moved to Lexington, our people went with them.

So, why is it that Lexingtonians won’t come to Buena Vista, not that we have that much that you don’t already have, but we do have some specialty shops that are very shop-worthy – Becky’s, Vinyl Cuts, Expressions, Boujee Sass to name a few. Please stop taking everything out on Buena Vista.

You have your quirks, too, but we don’t find it necessary to take a punch at you at every turn. We don’t need to be reminded that we have issues just like everyone else, including you. So, kindly give us a break and stop with the jabs you find it necessary to take all too often. My prayer is that one day we will be able to live in peace and harmony even when the rest of the world can’t seem to do so. We are neighbors, we are humans just like you, and one thing is for sure – we pray for peace and harmony for the whole world, and that includes you. SUSAN TEDROW Buena Vista


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