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Thursday, March 13, 2025 at 11:43 AM


Deborah Potter McCormick, 540-463-7652 The Collierstown United Methodist Church would like to thank all the patrons who gave donations and enjoyed meals at the church’s spaghetti supper on Saturday, J an. 2 1. A h ighlight of the evening was the fellowship enjoyed by those that “dined in” and for patrons who came and picked up meals to be enjoyed at home. Proceeds from the meal will be used to fund various ministries of the church.

Deborah Potter McCormick, 540-463-7652 The Collierstown United Methodist Church would like to thank all the patrons who gave donations and enjoyed meals at the church’s spaghetti supper on Saturday, J an. 2 1. A h ighlight of the evening was the fellowship enjoyed by those that “dined in” and for patrons who came and picked up meals to be enjoyed at home. Proceeds from the meal will be used to fund various ministries of the church.

On Sunday, Jan. 29, both congregations of the Collierstown United Methodist Charge, Mt. Horeb and Collierstown, will worship together at the Collierstown church for a joint service at 11 a.m. Guest speaker will be Reese McCormick. A covered-dish luncheon will follow the worship service for all to enjoy.

The Blanket Sunday campaign at the Collierstown Presbyterian Church collected a total of $1,590 following the worship service on Jan. 22. The gifts received will make possible the purchase of 159 blankets to be distributed by Church World Service. Those wishing to join this effort may send gifts designated for Blanket Sunday to the Collierstown Presbyterian Church, 31 Church Drive, Lexington, VA 24450. The cost of a blanket is $10.

Speaking at the Collierstown Presbyterian worship service on Jan. 22 was elder Frank Root of Staunton.

On Sunday, Jan. 1, retired Pastor Robert Daniel and his wife Nancy Daniel were welcomed to the first worship service of the new year at Union View Advent Christian Church. Pastor Daniel was honored during the worship hour and presented with a commemorative plaque for more than 32 years of leadership and faithful dedication to the church’s congregation.

The Union View congregation has begun its annual “Penny Drive,” a fundraiser used to support the Christian teaching ministry of Advent Christian missionaries serving in foreign countries. Locally the church’s youth group continues to meet weekly on Wednesday evening at 6:30 at the church. Meetings are led by the current pastor, Nathaniel Rutan, and two or three adult chaperones. The hour-long meetings include Bible study and a time of fellowship and recreation. Community youth are invited to join the group. The church is located on the hill at the corner of Turnpike and Hayslette Roads.


Lexington News Gazette
Dr. Ronald Laub DDS
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