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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 10:02 AM

Campbell's Report: Week 2


Jan. 23, 2022

Richmond Report - Week 2

Things are moving quickly here in Richmond! This week, legislation started to be read in subcommittees and committees. I was proud to vote for several bills that will have a positive impact on the 24th District. I will be sponsoring 11 pieces of legislation that cover topics such as public safety, economic development, animal care, and secure elections.

I've also had the chance to attend several events hosted by some great organizations. I was honored to attend the Virginia Sheriffs Association reception where I was able to discuss some of the issues facing our law enforcement officers. I will always support the men and women who keep our communities safe - and strongly supporting a pay raise for our heroes.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please do not hesitate to contact us using the following information:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 540-280-0778

Mail: PO Box 366, Fairfield, VA 23350

A recap and top line items for this legislative session:

This year – there are tough challenges to overcome as the House and Senate leadership are divided. However, we, Republicans, are hopeful we can get a number of key priorities passed. These priorities are listed below along with House Bills (HB) I have introduced:

Supporting Safe Communities

HB 2321 reported out of a Courts of Justice Subcommittee unanimously. This bill requires the parole board to notify prosecuting commonwealth's attorneys when criminals are being released from prison. This will increase awareness and transparency from the parole board and puts victims ahead of violent criminals.

Lowering the Cost of Living

HB 2332 has been referred to the committee on General Laws. This bill reduces the number of acreage required to qualify for state development grants. We have so many farmers and residents in our rural areas who should be eligible for these state benefits. Lowering this threshold will help our residents in the 24th!

Bettering our Education System

I will support the Governor's budget amendment to further invest in reading and math and other resources in education, including $17 million for literacy and $50 million for teacher performance bonus.

I will be supporting efforts to consolidate workforce development programs, which are currently spread across 12 different agencies, and will ask this new agency to focus on Career and Technical Education to build a diverse and thriving labor force.

Visit us in Richmond!

It's so great to see smiling faces from the 24th District here in Richmond. Please let us know if you would like to visit and we would be happy to arrange a tour of the Capitol or have you seated in the Gallery for a House Floor Session.

Again, thank you for the honor to serve our community. This has been a tremendous journey, and I am beyond blessed.



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