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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 9:34 AM


Deborah Potter McCormick, 463-7652

Deborah Potter McCormick, 463-7652

The Collierstown Presbyterian Church welcomed the new year at its 11 a.m. worship service Sunday, Jan. 1. The Rev. Malcolm Brownlee was the guest speaker and led the congregation in the observance of the sacrament of Communion.

The Collierstown Presbyterian Women began their annual Blanket Sunday campaign during the announcement time. Each year the PW partners with Church World Service to purchase and distribute blankets to needy individuals and families in the United States and around the world. This year the Women have as their goal the purchase 130 blankets at a cost of $10 each. The community is invited to join in this project by making a monetary donation or by gifting a friend with a contribution to Church World Service’s Blanket program. Donations should be designated for Blanket Sunday and mailed to the Collierstown Presbyterian Church, 31 Church Drive, Lexington, VA 24450 or dropped off at the church by Blanket Sunday, Jan. 15. For more information call Debbie McCormick at (540) 460-1325.

The Night Circle of the Collierstown Presbyterian Church will hold its January meeting on Thursday, Jan. 5, in the fellowship hall at 7 p.m. A light supper in the church kitchen will begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by the Bible Study at 7. The evening’s study that is entitled “A Gift for Us” taken from Mark 2:23-28. All are invited to join the group in person or on Facebook Live at 7 p.m.

The Effinger Ruritan Club’s Community Birthday Calendars have been received and are being distributed by club members. Patrons who have not received their calendars should call club president Chris Cartwright at (540) 461-0113 to arrange delivery.


Lexington News Gazette
Dr. Ronald Laub DDS
Hull's Drive-In