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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 2:08 PM


Deborah Potter McCormick, 540-463-7652

Deborah Potter McCormick, 540-463-7652

The Collierstown Presbyterian Women would like to thank all who made donations to their annual Blanket Sunday campaign. A total of $2,000 was given, making it possible to purchase 200 Church World Service blankets for distribution in the United States and around the world. Many thanks for the generous outpouring of support from church members, the community, and area churches.

The Effinger Ruritan Club has begun its annual membership drive. The club invites area men and women to consider becoming a member if interested in community service. The Effinger Club meets the third Thursday of each month at the Palmer Community Center at 7 p.m. Meetings begin with dinner, followed by a program related to environmental issues or community opportunities.

The club seeks to provide educational scholarships to high school seniors, tuition assistance for children and youths wanting to attend 4-H Summer Camp, and assistance to families in need. Members work to maintain the highways in all three communities by sponsoring roadside clean ups. They also work to support the Effinger Volunteer Fire Department and first responders to ensure emergency services are available in a time of crisis. The Effinger Ruritan Club believes in fun and recreational activities for the entire family as evidenced by their annual Palmer Ice Cream Supper in August.

To learn more about this exciting and worthwhile service opportunity, call club president Chris Cartwright at (540) 464-1554. The next club meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 16, at the Palmer Community Center.

On Thursday, Jan. 26, members of the Buffalo, Collierstown and greater Effinger communities gathered at the Collierstown Presbyterian Church to remember community resident and church member Clarence “C.B.” Potter following his death on Jan. 20.

C.B.’s work experience included 39 years at Kroger followed by work at Donald’s Meat Processing with the Potter family until 2015. Throughout his life, C.B. was dedicated to community service. He was a charter member of the Effinger Volunteer Fire Department established in 1976, president of the Effinger PTA, a board member and coach for RARO, a founding officer of the Rockbridge Diamond Club, and a proud supporter of school sports.

He had a deep faith and his commitment to Christianity was evident as a member and elder at the Collierstown Presbyterian Church. C.B. devoted hours to visiting members, providing transportation, and arranging meals for families with illness. He served as cochair of the Collierstown Presbyterian Church Prayer Chain and was chairman of the church’s 175th Anniversary Celebration. C.B. loved being in the church sanctuary on the first Saturday in November, welcoming patrons to the annual church dinner and getting them seated for a delicious meal.

He enjoyed simple pleasures like gardening, being in the pool, and spending time with his family. He approached life with friendliness, easy-going conversation, and laughter. He faced health issues with courage and faith. We honor and celebrate his life and will hold his example and memory close for years to come.


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