The town of Glasgow has put in an offer for the Presbyterian Church property, it was announced at this month’s Council meeting.
The church closed its doors at the end of 2022. Tentative plans would be to relocate Town Hall there with ample office space. Also, to be used as a welcome center, etc.
Council approved $3,000 for personnel training on software in the town office. This would be mainly for Brianne Stinnett, Tammy Cash and Chris Flint. This would require Town Hall to be closed for the day. Day and time will be announced.
Town Manager Phil Robinette noted an engineer has checked out the water backup problem in North Glasgow and determined the problem is at Mohawk and he will meet with them concerning this problem.
Former Councilwoman Jade Harris volunteered to video town Council meetings to be put on the website. Details will be worked out with the town manager.
Councilwoman Lisa Rogers suggested Council meet for a work session each month aside from the regular monthly public meeting. It was agreed to meet the third Tuesday of the month, starting in November.
Upcoming town events include trunk or treat on Oct. 28 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Locher Pavilion. Also, the Christmas parade is scheduled for Dec. 2.