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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 2:33 PM

Lee, Jackson Coverage Appreciated

Jan. 27, 2023 Editor, The News-Gazette: Thank you for the Gazette’s coverage of the Lee-Jackson Family Reunion.

Jan. 27, 2023 Editor, The News-Gazette: Thank you for the Gazette’s coverage of the Lee-Jackson Family Reunion.

The federal and state governments did not start not will it end our SCV family reunions honoring our family’s heritage. American Indians, Blacks, Latinos and whites all fought for the Confederacy.

Lee and Jackson, not only were they great leaders and generals and honorable men, but most of all they were Christians. Not only were they brothers in battle, also brothers in Christ.

Yes, Ms. Olson, my name is Fred Clark, I am SCV and I will always honor my family. I need no permission to do so. My family has been in every war for our Christian nation. I am a Vietnam era veteran. Oddly enough, I served on the USS Lexington from 1974 to 1977.

My fathers, grandfathers, my son and daughter are all veterans of war, but most of all we are Christians in Christ and we love our nation and I will still die for her today.

Thank you to my brothers in Christ, veterans in war and SCV.

I pray for my city of Lexington – our brave police, fire and first responders. Love all in Christ. FRED CLARK Lexington Stonewall Brigade Camp 1296, SCV Norfolk County Greys Camp 1549


Lexington News Gazette
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