Rachel Clark, (630) 607-9938 [email protected]
New Monmouth Presbyterian Church joined together for an evening service of Thanksgiving on Sunday, Nov. 19.
This past Sunday, pastors Casey and Rachel Clark wrapped up their year-long series of sermons on the Gospel of John. Thank you to Laura Hotinger for playing piano and Calvin Clark for playing the handbell tree for special music. Thank you to the praise team for concluding the service with “Behold our God.”
Advent begins this Sunday. We will get together on Saturday, Dec. 2, to make Advent wreaths that we can use in our homes. Rachel Clark has wreath forms, candle holders, and candles. Please bring evergreens and clippers. We will light the first Advent candle and celebrate communion this Sunday. The Clarks host their annual open house on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 2 to 4 p.m. Bring a friend or neighbor for snacks and treats!
At 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 10, everyone is invited to meet at church to go out Christmas caroling in groups for our homebound church family.
We are collecting canned goods for RARA as well as socks, underwear and sweatpants for Natural Bridge Elementary School during the month of December. Let’s fill up the blue bins to overflowing and share the love and warmth of Christ with our neighbors.