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Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 8:11 AM

Jaycees Conclude Year With Awards

In the final weeks of 2023, the Lexington-Rockbridge Jaycees are looking back on another successful year under the leadership of their 2023 president, Rebecca LeMert.
Jaycees Conclude Year With Awards

In the final weeks of 2023, the Lexington-Rockbridge Jaycees are looking back on another successful year under the leadership of their 2023 president, Rebecca LeMert.

In addition to monthly social meetings at various organizations and businesses throughout the community, the Jaycees hosted their annual signature events resulting in strong fundraising that benefited local causes.

The 46th annual Rockbridge Community Festival, jointly hosted by the Jaycees and the Lexington Rotary Club in the streets of downtown Lexington, saw one of the largest crowds in history and had a record number of local and regional vendors.

The iconic Friday’s Alive free summer concert series featured four concerts at Davidson Park in downtown Lexington and raised a total of $7,000 in sponsorships and concession sales for the Virginia Institute of Autism and the Rockbridge SPCA.

The 12th annual Lexington Gobble Wobble 5K and Fun Run on Thanksgiving Day saw more than 500 runners and raised a total of $10,500 for The Community Table for the Rockbridge Area, Rockbridge Christmas Baskets, and the Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce.

At their annual Jingle Jam holiday party on Friday, Dec. 15, the Jaycees presented annual awards to deserving members of the organization and community as a whole.

The Jaycees voted Katie MacRobbie as the New Member of the Year and Jenny Nicely as Member of the Year for their dedication and efforts, and recognized Betty and Kent McMichael with the T. David Grist Community Member of theYear Award for their outstanding service.

A native of Rockbridge County, Betty McMichael is a graduate of Emory & Henry College who has served on committees for the Bonnie Blue Horse Show, Rockbridge Community Festival, and Rockbridge Christmas Baskets, as well as the board of directors for the Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce and the Lexington Downtown Development Association. She has been a member of the Lexington Rotary Club for more than 35 years and, in her time as a Rotarian, served on her club’s board of directors for 10 years, including two terms as its president.

Between them, Betty and Kent have been active in Rotary for more than 65 years and have hosted 10 Rotary exchanges, including participants from France, Spain, Turkey, Panama, Australia, South Korea, South Africa and Iceland. Betty has been recognized twice and Kent three times as Paul Harris Fellow for their support of the Rotary Foundation.

Kent McMicheal is a graduate of Northwestern State University and received a Master of Science in History from Baylor University, specifically American military history from 1866 to 1916. Kent served on active duty in the U.S. Army for more than 33 years, including two years in combat zones. Other stations included service with NATO in Turkey and teaching ROTC as a sergeant major of the corps atVirginia Military Institute.

After retirement from the Army in 1993, Kent Mc-Michael was the director of museums at the George C. Marshall Foundation from 1993 to 1995, when he purchased the Lexington Carriage Company and operated it from 1995 to 2006. He has served on boards of directors for several local organizations and served as president of the Rockbridge SPCA for two terms. He has served on the planning committee for the Rockbridge Community Festival for 10 years and initiated the placement of flags on the graves of military service members in Oak Grove Cemetery and Evergreen Cemetery.

For many years, Betty and Kent McMichael have supported the Lexington-Rockbridge Jaycees by sponsoring its Friday’s Alive summer concert series and its Lexington Gobble Wobble 5K. They have also sponsored several Jaycees to travel on Rotary Group Study Exchanges to experience the cultures inArgentina, India andTasmania.

Stacy Stevens, who provided live music for the Jingle Jam event, also presented the People’s Choice Award for Volunteer of the Year to Jaycees member Brent Buswell on behalf of the Lexington-Rockbridge Chamber of Commerce for his exceptional service to the community.

The Jaycees look forward to another successful year in 2024 with the election of its new officers: President, Evan Hanna, Kappa Alpha Order; treasurer, Katie MacRobbie, EY National Tax, Passthrough Transactions Group; vice president of community development, Jenny Nicely, Mayflower on Main; vice president of membership development, Merryn Williams, Merryn Williams Designs; secretary, Rebecca LeMert, Rockbridge Area Habitat for Humanity.

For decades the Jaycees have been a social, leadership, and civic organization, bringing together young professionals between the ages of 21 and 40 without demanding obligations. Anyone interested in joining can visit LexRockJaycees.org.


Lexington News Gazette
Dr. Ronald Laub DDS