Esther Pennington, 540-291-2629
The High Bridge Presbyterian Church chili cook-off on Saturday was a great success with 50 in attendance enjoying 11 pots of chili. The three impartial judges were John Pollock, Greg and Gavin Dudley. The winner of the trophy was Dave Van Osten. Attending were members of St. John’s Episcopal, and Mt. Olivet and Beth Horon United Methodist churches.
The Presbyterian Women were the hosts of the Natural Bridge Ruritan Club dinner yesterday, Tuesday, Jan. 16, in the fellowship hall. The women will have their annual meeting on Feb. 4 after worship beginning with a soup and salad luncheon. The congregation is invited to attend. The men will wash dishes while the ladies attend their meeting.
The ordination and installation of new officers will take place this Sunday, Jan. 21.
Small Group Bible Study will now meet at 3 p.m. on Sunday, Jan. 28, (note: new time and day) at the fellowship hall. The lesson will be taught by Joe Hawes and light refreshments will be served.
Clayton and Connie Bruce and their daughter, Julianne, and her friend, Aidan Reeter, recently spent several days in Pigeon Forge, Gatlinburg and Sevierville, Tenn.
The Natural Bridge/Glasgow food pantry will be open tomorrow, Thursday, Jan. 18, from 9 to 11 a.m. This will be our new closing time.