Aristotle said, “The aim of art is to represent not the outer appearance of things, but their inward significance.”
This, too, is one of the primary goals of Opening Minds through Art (OMA), an internationally recognized arts program designed for those living with dementia and other cognitive concerns.
Using ordinary things like paint and brushes and sponges and bubble wrap, OMA gatherings are carefully planned to make creating art significant.
Some who participate have lost autonomy due to life circumstances, social stigmas, and declining health. Some may be of an older generation who seek purpose and community. Some who gather do so with cognitive concerns that evoke feelings of invisibility and loss.
These are the artists of OMA, and in this setting, they are seen and given the right to make creative choices for themselves. They create paintings with techniques used by many great abstract artists including the use of negative space, texturing and layering, and making the most of contrast and design. In this experience, they connect to parts of themselves that may have been dormant for a time, and they find release.
Other participants come as volunteers who partner with the artist and honor the process of creation as it evolves. They are eager not only to be helpers in this venture, but also to learn from the person beside them. They recognize that holding space for others and honoring their humanity is also a worthy art.
Opening Minds through Art was founded by Dr. Elizabeth Lokon in 2007. Its person-centered approach invites all participants to rely on imagination rather than memory and to focus on the strengths imbedded in each person. The art created offers a tangible representation of the beauty and vitality within each person, regardless of the challenges life sends their way.
The hour-long sessions include social time, singing, information about famous abstract artists, the process of creation, and time to discuss and admire the art created. To build an atmosphere of success, routines are established, projects are created in a one-step-at-a-time process, and quality art materials are used. Each painting is matted and presented to the group as the work of art that it is.
Valley Program for Aging Services will host OMA at Maury River Senior Services on Tuesdays on March 26, April 2, April 9 and April 16, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. This is a four-part series.
Volunteers are needed for this series. VPAS will offer a volunteer training session at Maury River Senior Services on March 19 from 1 to 3 p.m. Volunteers must be available to participate in each of the four OMA sessions.
To register to participate as an artist or volunteer, call (540) 471-5633 or visit
Editor’s note: This story was submitted by Kathy Guisewite, the VPAS caregiver outreach coordinator.