Our condolences are extended to the Coleman family following the loss of Marilyn Coleman.
Sending birthday wishes to Dustin Yopp and April Williams as well as to Faith Baptist Church members Ed Smith, Susie Knick and Belinda Shanks.
Faith Baptist will be having a Ladies Circle Meeting on March 12 at 6 p.m. and a Men’s Prayer Breakfast on March 13 at 8 a.m. The church will also be having a clothes closet on March 16 from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Many thanks to the Rev. Dr. Jan Fuller for leading a Holy Eucharist service this past Sunday at St. John’s Episcopal Church and to Bert Buford and Josh Gardner for providing music. Thanks also to Jason Hickman for hosting coffee hour.
MidMountain, an agricultural nonprofit and arts collective, will be hosting a spring fellowship cohort and open house on March 9 featuring guest artists, speakers and workshop leaders as well as two bands, the Laurel Hells Ramblers and the Timber Bridges. Workshops begin at 10 a.m. and the bands will begin their performances at 5 p.m.
Any church or community news or happenings, birthdays, anniversaries and the like you want listed? Please don’t hesitate to let me know!