Carolyn Bradley, 258-2720
The Concerned Citizens Organization will meet on Saturday, March 23, at noon at the Thompson Center. Final plans for the upcoming Easter egg hunt on March 31 at 3 p.m. will be discussed.
A group of Quakers will be available this Saturday, March 23, at 2 p.m. at the Thompson Center to talk with citizens who have issues with flooding around their homes in town. There are grants available to help folks with this problem.
The Bridge Christian Academy, of the NB Christian Fellowship Church, at 21 Gilmores Mill Road, will hold a fund-raising cakewalk on April 13 from 6 to 8 p.m.
Spring Cleanup Week is March 23-30. Clean up, clean out and bring it to the brush pile at the end of 10th street, the carnival grounds. Old furniture, appliances, brush and tree trimmings will be accepted. Old tires and paint will not be accepted.
Betty Flint was honored with a covered-dish dinner for her birthday, following Sunday morning church services at Glasgow Baptist. Happy birthday, Betty!
Laura “Sis” Powell has returned to her home in Arnolds Valley after staying with her sister-in-law, Virginia Reynolds, in Glasgow since last October while she was recuperating after being in the hospital and rehab for several weeks.
The Rockbridge Area Health Center’s mobile unit is at the farmers market on the corner of 10th and Kanawha Streets today, Wednesday, from 1:15 to 4:30 p.m.
Its always interesting in the spring to see who will be the first to mow their yard in our little neighborhood because once one person starts, everyone else will follow suit and get those mowers and weed eaters going. This year that person was Barrett McFaddin. He and his wife, Tonya, worked all day Saturday, mowing and trimming trees. Looking good over there, neighbors.
Our neighbors, David and Tina Kingery, sold their home on Fitzlee Street, and have moved to Charlottesville.
There will be a vendor meeting for the upcoming Farmers Market season on April 6 at 2 p.m. at the market building. This is also for those vendors who will be setting up at the Spring Vendor Event April 27. This would be a good time to turn in your application and $10 fee, if you haven’t already. The deadline for turning in the application and fee is April 10.