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Monday, March 10, 2025 at 7:29 AM

Calendar Of Events

Wednesday, April 3

1 p.m. – Astrophotographer Ed Dixon to give an solar eclipse informational overview, Rockbridge Regional Library.

5:30 p.m. – Meeting, Greater Lexington Newcomers Club , Paula Zimmerman will talk about the North Rockbridge Art League, at the Lexington Country Club; for more information, visit www.lexvanewcomers.org.

7:30 p.m. – Play, “Begets: Fall of a High School Ronin,” a samurai tale, presented by the Department of Theater, Dance and Film Studies at Washington and Lee University, Johnson Theater, Lenfest Center, W&L

Thursday, April 4

4 p.m. – Program featuring Kip Armstrong, son of “Sounder” author William Armstrong, Kendal Hall, Kendal at Lexington.

7:30 p.m. – “Begets: Fall of a High School Ronin,” Johnson Theater, Lenfest Center, W&L.

Friday, April 5

5 to 7 p.m. – Opening reception for Nelson Gallery’s April show featuring the art of Ben Frey, Nelson Gallery.

7:30 p.m. – Play, “Begets: Fall of a High School Ronin,” Johnson Theater, Lenfest Center, W&L.

Saturday, April 6

7 a.m. to noon – Kids Fishing Day at Natural Bridge State Park; for questions, call (540) 254-0795.

8 a.m. to noon – Spring market, Floyd-Davidson Post 126, American Legion building, Buena Vista.

2 p.m. – Play, “Begets: Fall of a High School Ronin,” Johnson Theater, Lenfest Center, W&L.

3 to 6 p.m. – Spring festival, Rockbridge Christian Academy; for more information, call (540) 463-5456.

5 to 7 p.m. – Potato, chili, salad and dessert bar fundraiser

, Collierstown United Methodist Church, by donation; eat-in or take-out.

7 p.m. – Play, “The Zombie Life: A Seminar for Humans Seeking Conversion,” presented by Aura CuriAtlas Physical Theatre, written by W&L professor Chris Gavaler, Stackhouse Theater, W&L, free.

Sunday, April 7

10 a.m. - Geology walk on the Chessie Trail, W&L geology professor Chris Connors will take participants back in time to learn about the geological history of the Buena Vista end of the trail, meet at the Buena Vista boat launch parking lot; walk will take about two hours.

10 a.m. to noon - Backyard Herbalism and Foraging Workshop at Boxerwood with Emma Gould, free, but registration required at boxerwood.org/ events.

3 p.m. – Concert, Markbrook Chamber Players , Wilson Concert Hall, W&L; also streaming online at http://go.wlu/ livestream.

Tuesday, April 9

7:30 p.m. – Spring concert, Rockbridge Youth Chorale , Lacey Lynch and Anna Billias, directors, at Lexington Presbyterian Church.

Thursday, April 11

8 p.m. – University Jazz Ensemble winter concert , featuring RCHS Jazz Ensemble, Wilson Concert Hall, W&L; no tickets required.

Friday April 12

7 to 9 p.m. ‒ Sunset and Stars Photography Workshop at Boxerwood with Brittany Klinger, free, registration required at boxerwood.org/events.

Saturday, April 13 9-11 a.m. ‒ Family birdwalk at Boxerwood with Jess Sullivan and the Rockbridge Bird Club, free, registration required at boxerwood.org/events.

1 to 5 p.m. – Rockbridge Bull & Oyster Fest, fundraiser for RockbridgeArea Health Center, Virginia Horse Center; tickets available at www.RockAHC.org.

Saturday. April 20

10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ‒ Artapalooza Community Arts Festival, for all ages and abilities, downtown Buena Vista.

10:30 a.m. - Program, “ Invasive Jumping Worms: What are they? What do they do to my garden?” sponsored by the Rockbridge Area Master Gardeners, community room, RARA, 350 Spotswood Drive, Lexington.

Noon to 1:30 p.m. - Third annual Native Tree & Shrub Giveaway with kids activities, native plants also for sale, community room, RARA building, sponsored by the Rockbridge Area Master Gardeners and the Native Plant Society.

2 to 3 p.m. - Family Yoga at Boxerwood with Caroline Coons, free, registration required at boxerwood.org/events

Sunday, April 21

1 to 4 p.m. ‒ Plein air watercolor painting workshop at Boxerwood with Karen Stanley, free, registration required at boxerwood. org/events.

7 p.m. – Concert, Rockbridge Chorus, with director William McCorkle and organist Peggy Haas Howell, “French and English Treasures,” Duruflé’s “Requiem,” Britten’s “Rejoice in the Lamb” and short works by Franck, Caplet, Walton, Rutter; at Lexington Presbyterian Church.

MondayApril 22

6:30 to 7:45 p.m. ‒ Earth Day sound bath at Boxerwood with Metta Vibrations, $20 for general public, $15 for Boxerwood members, registration required at mettavibrations.com.

Saturday, April 27

10 a.m. to noon ‒ Tree planting near Waddell Elementary School, registration required at boxerwood.org/events.

10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Debut of the Lexington Police mounted unit, route through downtown will start at Hopkins Green, continue with Main Street stops at the library and the Bank of the James, a stop at the W&L parking lot on Jefferson Street for photos, and concluding at the visitor’s center; for more information, send email to proberson@ lexington.gov.

Noon to 1:30 p.m. ‒ Picnic and tree giveaway at Boxerwood, learn more at boxerwood. org/events.

Ongoing Events


9 a.m. – Exercise class, led by Tommy Miller with Rockbridge Area YMCA, Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Rockbridge Baths.

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. – Food pantry, Stone Church of the Brethren, 2164 Forest Ave., Buena Vista; call 261-6946 to make appointment to pick up food; pantry open same hours Tuesday through Friday.

12:30 p.m. - Bridge Club of Lexington, open to all, Lexington Golf and Country Club; call ahead for a partner or further information, (540) 460-5474.

2:30 to 4:30 p.m. – RARA Neighborhood Grocery, in-person, 350 Spotswood Drive, Lexington.”

6 p.m. – Dinner at The Community Table, Piovano building, Lexington.

6 p.m. – New Life Suppers, free dinners, at Life Chapel.


7:30 a.m. –AA, second floor, Grace Episcopal Church; beginners meeting at 7 p.m., same location.

9 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Visit by Virginia Department of Veterans Services benefits representative, at VFW Post 1499, second Tuesday of each month; by appointment only, call (540) 332-8900.

2 to 3 p.m. – Gospel Way pantry, drive-thru model, 109 Henry St., Lexington.

4 p.m. – Youth program, Pokemon, Rockbridge Regional Library, Lexington.


8-9 a.m. - Glasgow-Natural Bridge Men’s Prayer Breakfast, every other Wednesday at Faith Baptist Church, 15 Faith Baptist Circle, Arnolds Valley Road, Natural Bridge Station, open to all and non-denominational, breakfast will be served; for more information, call Faith Baptist Church at (540) 291-2847.

10 a.m. – Baby and toddler storytime, Rockbridge Regional Library; followed by preschool storytime at 10:30 a.m.

10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Lexington Winter Farmers Market, McCrums parking lot.

10 a.m. (first Wednesday of each month excluding July, August and December) - Greater Lexington Newcomers Club, Lexington Golf and Country Club, open to residents who have been here for less than five years; for more information, see www. lexvanewcomers.org.

Noon – Lunch at The Community Table, Piovano Building, Lexington.

2:30 to 4:30 p.m. – “RARA Neighborhood Grocery,” inperson, 350 Spotswood Drive, Lexington.”

4 p.m. – Youth program, Makers Club, ages 6 and up, Rockbridge Regional Library.

4 to 6 p.m. – Bridge To Hope Pantry, 906 Magnolia Ave., Buena Vista.

7 p.m. – Yoga class, led by Karen Stanley of Center of Gravity Yoga and Pilates Studio, Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Rockbridge Baths.


7:30 a.m. –AA, second floor, Grace Episcopal church.

9 to 11 a.m. – (every third Thursday) Natural Bridge/ Glasgow food pantry.

10 a.m. – Baby and toddler storytime, Rockbridge Regional Library; followed by preschool storytime at 10:30 a.m.

2:30 to 4:30 p.m. – RARA Neighborhood Grocery, in-person, 350 Spotswood Drive, Lexington.

4 p.m. – Youth program, Improv Club, Rockbridge Regional Library.

6 p.m. – “Community Café on Magnolia,” free meals offered by Bridge to Hope, 906 Magnolia Ave. (second Thursday of each month only)


8:30 a.m. – Informal yoga, led by Lane Norris, Bethesda Presbyterian Church, Rockbridge Baths.

7 p.m. – AA, second floor, Grace Episcopal Church.


8 to 10 a.m. – Community Veteran Appreciation Breakfast, every third Saturday, free to veterans, $5 for other adults and $3 for kids meals, American Legion Post 126, Buena Vista.

9 to 11 a.m. (first, second and fourth Saturdays) - Natural Bridge/Glasgow Food Pantry, 735 McCullough St., Glasgow.

9 to noon – (first and third Saturdays) Community Closet at Christ Episcopal Church, 2262 Walnut Ave., Buena Vista; call 461-1299 for more information.

9 a.m. to noon – Clothes closet at First Baptist Church, every third Saturday of the month; call 463-4854 for more information.

9:30 a.m. – (second Saturdays) Rockbridge Piecemakers Quilt Guild, Piovano building; call (540) 357-0608 or visit www.RPOG.org.

10 a.m. – AA, second floor, Grace Episcopal Church.

10 a.m. to noon – RARA Neighborhood Grocery, in-person, 350 Spotswood Drive, Lexington.

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. -AARPTax Aide, free tax help, Maury River Senior Center, through April 15, by appointment, call (540) 4604025.

11 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Free soup luncheons, first and third Saturdays, parish hall, Christ Episcopal Church.

11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. - Lexington Al-Anon Family Group, offering a weekly respite for those dealing with the effects of friends or family members with alcohol or other substance abuse disorders. Al-Anon, an anonymous fellowship, provides courage, strength, and hope for those living or who have lived with those kinds of issues and problems. Weekly hybrid meetings (in-person and Zoom) top floor of the Grace Episcopal Church. More details or other information available from lexingtonfamilygroup@ gmail.com.

Editor’s note: The above events are taking place every week in the Rockbridge area. If your group has restarted weekly activities, send us an email with the information, to editor@thenews- gazette.com.

Buy tickets online or at the gate.


Lexington News Gazette
Dr. Ronald Laub DDS
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