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Monday, March 10, 2025 at 4:50 AM

Arnolds Valley

Karyn Gardner, (540) 228-2176, (540) 655-3646 [email protected]

Wishing everyone Easter blessings! I hope everyone had a fun and safe April Fools Day and survived any pranks and shenanigans!

This Monday, April 8, is the day of the 2024 Great American total solar eclipse! The path of totality (the area which will see a full blackout of the sun) will cross over the Midwest. I’ll be traveling with my brother to Cleveland, Ohio, to experience the full blackout. Meanwhile, here over Virginia, the moon will block about 80-90 percent of the sun, which means it will not get completely dark during the eclipse, but it will be on par with the 2017 solar eclipse, so be on the lookout for those wonky, crescent shaped shadows being cast, especially near bushes and trees!

And please remember, do not look directly at the sun – use eclipse glasses! They can be found at many area convenience stores like the Natural Bridge Country Store & Cafe.

According to SCI AM (scientificamerican. com), the United States will have to wait another 21 years for the next total solar eclipse to cross over in 2045! Though some of Alaska will see one in 2033 and Montana will see one in 2044. The next time the path of totality crosses our part of Virginia won’t happen until 2099!

Sending birthday wishes to my sister-in-law Shambray Gardner in Logan, Utah, and a very happy first birthday to my niece Ivy Gardner! Happy birthday also to St. John’s members Andy VanOsten and Jason Hickman, as well as to Faith Baptist Church members Norma Austin, Annette Hickman and Jennifer Shanks.

Faith Baptist Church will have a Ladies Circle meeting on April 9 at 6 p.m. and a Men’s Prayer Breakfast on April 10 at 8 a.m. A Song & Praise service is coming up later this month on April 26. Faith Baptist broadcasts its Sunday services online every week, which can be found on the church’s Facebook page at facebook.com/faithbaptistchurchnaturalbridgestation.

Many thanks to the Rev. Deacon Linda Ricker for leading the Easter Sunday Holy Eucharist service this past week at St. John’s Episcopal Church and to Bert Buford and Josh Gardner for providing music. Thanks, especially, to Beth Pedula and Shirley Salewsky for providing a wonderful meal after the service for coffee hour and to everyone involved in bringing the day’s events together! This coming Sunday will be a Liturgy of the Word service led by the Rev. Deacon Dick Willis.


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