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Friday, March 14, 2025 at 7:15 PM

Campbell Reports: Week 4


Tuesday, Feb. 7

Richmond Report – Week 4

Week 4 has come and gone here in Richmond!

With week 4 of this years General Assembly Session behind us, I'm proud to say that house Republicans have been hard at work for you! Several bills have passed on the house floor relating to our key objectives: making communities safe again, keeping parents involved in their children's education, lowering taxes for hardworking Virginians, and promoting successful business here in the Commonwealth. This legislation will now move to the Senate for consideration where it will hopefully be passed to benefit the entire Commonwealth.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please do not hesitate to contact us using the following information:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 540-280-0778

Mail: PO Box 366, Fairfield, VA 23350

Check Out My Introduced Bills Here!

Here is whats happening with some of my legislation:

HB2331 (Animal care; seizure of animals, zoos) is headed to the House Floor. This legislation will add a layer of protection for zoo animals by ensuring the State Veterinarian is involved in any investigation relating to abuse or neglect.

HB2332 (Economic Development) passed out of the Appropriations Committee and will now move to the House Floor for a vote. This bill changes the acreage requirements from 100 to 50 acres for economic development grants. This is a huge step for rural communities and their ability to secure grant funding for projects.

HB2342 (Barrier Crimes) is headed to the House Floor. This bill separates a section of the state code relating to "Barrier Crimes". Hopefully in the future, this will allow adults who have recovered from a substance abuse addiction to come back and help others conquer their addictions.

HB2395 (Speed Determination Devices) was passed on the House Floor. This is a cost saving measure for local police and sheriffs departments. It would require them to have their speed determination devices tested on an annual basis instead of every six months.

These pieces of legislation will have a positive impact on the 24th District and I am proud to patron them in this years Legislative Session!

Visit us in Richmond!

It has been amazing to have so many great people and organizations come by the office to discuss legislative priorities. If you would like to come by for a visit, please get in touch with our staff so we can arrange a time!

Again, thank you for the honor to serve our community. This has been a tremendous journey, and I am beyond blessed.

Please do not hesitate to contact us!



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Dr. Ronald Laub DDS
Hull's Drive-In