Jan. 26, 2023 Editor, The News-Gazette: CRT – do we really know what CRT is and why they want to teach it in our schools?
Instruction in schools K-12 is to view racism as the cornerstone of American society and government through a Marxist analytical lens.
Purpose of CRT – break society, thus being able to remake it along different lines. It is derived from atheist thinkers who view Christianity as an instrument of capitalist oppression.
But how was our country founded? The Declaration of Independence, the heart of the nation’s purpose and creed, references God in four ways: 1) designer of the universe and natural law; 2) source of humanities – inalienable rights; 3) supreme judge of the world; 4) source of divine providence.
CRT is opposed to equality. They want equity. They are willing to trample rights, liberties and national solidarity in pursuit of equity – equal outcome.
CRT rejects the idea that laws should apply equally to everyone. But they instead embrace an individualized “injustice” – again attempt to remedy group disparities.
CRT practices raise important constitutional and legal concerns. It violates the 1st and 14th amendments. We need to look those amendments up!
Civil Rights Act of 1964 states that “no person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color or national origin (Title VI) or on the basic of sex (Title IX) be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal Financial assistance.” If they do, it is unlawful.
The Virginia schools, including Rockbridge have received federal funds, in the form of a book, “Cultural Competence NOW: 56 Exercises to Help Educators Understand Bias, Racism and Privilege.”
Receiving these books is prohibited! Many lawsuits are being filed against CRT.
There is no compelling public interest to instruct young Americans to hate their country!