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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 3:32 AM

Christian Nationalism ‘Not Based On Teachings Of Jesus’

July 1, 2024 Editor, The News-Gazette: As an ordained clergy and follower of the teachings of Jesus, I am compelled to address a growing trend that threatens the core principles of our democracy and the Christian faith: Christian Nationalism.

This ideology, which seeks to intertwine religious beliefs with political policies, poses significant risks to our pluralistic society and the freedoms we hold dear. The beliefs espoused by this ideology are not based on the true teachings of Jesus. Jesus taught “love your neighbor as yourself; care for the orphans and widows; extend hospitality to strangers; feed the poor; and love as God loves. All are made in the image of God.”

Christian Nationalism advocates for none of these. It is about privileging one religious perspective above others in our public and governmental spheres. It promotes the idea that our laws and policies should reflect specific (distorted) interpretations of Christian values, potentially marginalizing those who adhere to different faiths or no faith at all. And, it masks white supremacy. This not only contradicts the foundational principle of separation of church and state but also undermines the inclusivity and diversity that make our nation strong.

It is crucial for us, as responsible citizens, to recognize and challenge any efforts to promote Christian Nationalism in our public discourse and policies. We must reaffirm our commitment to a secular government that respects the freedom of all individuals to practice their religion — or choose not to —without fear of persecution, prejudice or coercion.

So many of our GOP leaders proudly proclaim allegiance to Christian Nationalism. As we navigate complex issues and strive for a more just and inclusive society, let us remember the values of tolerance, equality, and respect for diverse beliefs that are fundamental to our nation’s identity.

REV. SUSAN WORRELL Rockbridge County



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