Esther Pennington, 540-291-2629
The Rev. Willis and wife are on vacation this week visiting his mother and siblings in North Carolina. Linda Trumbo of Covington will be the guest speaker this Sunday at High Bridge Presbyterian Church.
The Christian Education committee met after church this past Sunday to secure teachers for the beginning of Sunday school classes in September.
The Presbyterian Women’s mission for this quarter will be collecting clothing for the Clothes Closet at Natural Bridge Elementary School, specifically sizes 5-12 with an emphasis on elastic waists. Faye Worley will be collecting the donations each Sunday at the church.
The youth will have a backto- school bash on Sunday, Aug. 11, following church. Bring the kids for lunch, swimming and water games.
Mark your calendars for Aug. 25, when Sunday worship will be held at Cave Mountain Lake pavilion. There will be a covered-dish luncheon after worship at the lake. David Whitmore will have transportation from the parking area to the pavilion for those who need it. Weather permitting, there will be swimming and other activities to take place afterwards.
Don and Jeanne Jeffer recently spent several days visiting Hawaii and other places of interest.
Sympathy is extended to Becky Hannah and family upon the death of her brother, Billy Petty of Buchanan.
Beth Horon United Methodist Church welcomed their new pastor, Doug Mitchell of Vinton, last Sunday and celebrated with a covered-dish luncheon after church.
The Natural Bridge/ Glasgow food pantry will open promptly at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 10, and close at 11. The High Bridge congregation is collecting canned fruit and vegetable oil for the food pantry during the month of August.