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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 3:33 PM

Vaughan Receives Knights Templar Honor

On Aug. 19, during a monthly meeting of Moomaw Commandery No. 27 of Knights Templar in Virginia, Frederick C. Vaughan Sr. was presented with the Meritorious Service Medal granted by the grand commander and Grand Commandery of Knights Templar in Virginia. Vaughan is the first member of this local Commandery to receive this high honor.

To be considered for the Meritorious Service Medal, a formal resolution must first be passed; then, an application must be submitted giving the Templar rank, name of his Commandery, and a statement of the nature of the meritorious service upon which such nomination is based. Next, after signatures, the grand commander may approve the nomination, and only one such award may be qualified per year in each local Commandery.

Vaughan is a 70-year member of Freemasonry, recently recognized by the grand master of Virginia. He is a past master of Mountain City Lodge No. 67 (Blue Lodge), a past district deputy grand master, and a longtime trustee. He is also a past high priest of Rockbridge Royal Arch Chapter No. 44 Royal Arch Masons, a past district deputy grand high priest, a past commander of Moomaw Commandery No. 27, and a past district deputy grand commander. He was a multi-year commander and has served officially in some capacity since residing in the area.

Vaughan is active and has held leadership roles at Manly Memorial Baptist Church and with several area organizations, including the local Military Officers Association of America chapter.

The Blue Lodge, Royal Arch, and Knights Templar comprise the “York Rite” of Freemasonry and meet regularly at the Mountain City Lodge Hall at 103 W. Nelson St. For more information or to consider membership, visit www.mountaincitymasoniclodge.org.


Lexington News Gazette
Dr. Ronald Laub DDS