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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 3:27 PM

High Bridge

Esther Pennington, 540-291-2629 September brings in a flurry of activities to High Bridge.

This past Sunday, the “2 cents a meal offering” was received. Rally Day begins at 10 a.m. on Sept. 8 with breakfast provided for those attending. Also on the 8th, there will be food pantry and “noisy can” offerings as well as children’s church. The deacons will meet after worship. Sunday school classes officially begin the following Sunday, Sept. 15, starting at 10 a.m. Worship service returns to 11 a.m. The session meets after church on the 15th.

The Presbyterian Women will serve their fundraiser dinner to the Ruritans at 6 p.m. at the fellowship hall. On Sept. 22, the Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating team meets after worship under the leadership of Moderator Carol Tolley.

The women’s circles will have a joint meeting on Sunday, Sept. 29, at 4 p.m. in the fellowship hall. The meeting begins with a potato bar, salads and desserts. There will be an overview of the new Bible study for 2024-25.

The Presbyterian Women’s mission is collecting clothing this quarter for the clothes closet at Natural Bridge Elementary School, specifically sizes 5-12 with an emphasis on elastic waists. Socks are also needed. Faye Worley will be collecting the donations each Sunday at the church.

Bill and Lea Braford of Natural Bridge Station and Bob and Sue Braford of Lexington recently returned from an 11day excursion beginning with a flight to Idaho and followed by a cruise down the Snake River. Along the river, there were scheduled stops to include bus tours to places of local interest.

The Natural Bridge/ Glasgow food pantry will open promptly at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 7, and close at 11. The High Bridge congregation is collecting pasta and cooking oil for the food pantry during the month of August.


Lexington News Gazette
Dr. Ronald Laub DDS