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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 3:37 PM

Glasgow Council Hears Reports

Glasgow Town Council heard a number of reports at its August meeting.

Public works were busy with alley cleanups, bush hogging, sewer jetting, etc. They also seeded areas where work was completed near the Farmers’ Market, and 12th Street and sewer plant. They also reworked and graded gravel roads in town. With the recent rains, they were playing “catch-up” with the mowing. Two picnic tables at the playground pavilion were repaired, and four new swings were installed to replace old ones. There were 17 water cutoffs for the month.

It was noted the town staff was present throughout the duration of the storm event when the remnants of Debby passed through, but there were no major flooding issues.

The sale of the property at Blue Ridge and Rockbridge roads is complete and $87,625 has been deposited in the town account. Work on the site for the Dollar General Market has begun.

The town is still investigating a cost-efficient means of moving the batteau from Lexington to Glasgow. They have a quote of $1,800 thus far. The batteau is about 40 feet long and will require a large flat bed truck and a way to “gently” load and unload it.

Town Manager Allyson Finchum presently represents the town on the steering committee for the 2020 Central Shenandoah Hazard Mitigation Plan, which the region is in the process of updating.

Finchum also provided copies of a revenue/expenditure report to Council members. One area of concern is the Farmers Market and she and the market manager will meet soon to discuss the matter.

Farmers’ Market Manager Carolyn Bradley noted an increase in vendors and customers over the previous four weeks, noting an average of five and six vendors each Friday and Saturday, and the average customer counts were 35 on Fridays and 18 on Saturdays. There were at least three produce vendors and one new one with baked goods.

Several citizen issues were discussed, including a structure on Rockbridge Road being used for residential dwelling units on the ground floor rather than commercial as required by code. Notice has been sent to the owners.

In new business, there is a request by Ted Slayton, owner of property in the C-1 District, who has potential renters who wish to conduct vape and cigarette sales in the existing building at 920 Rockbridge Road. The current town code limits retail to specific uses. To allow the use of this area for vape and cigarette sales, it must be added as a use by right or special use permit. Amendments to the town code require an advertisement in the local paper and a public hearing with the Planning Commission and Town Council. The public hearing will be held at the September meeting.


Lexington News Gazette
Dr. Ronald Laub DDS