On Aug. 14, RCHS welcomed students back into the building with a few new changes. A new attendance policy was put into place, stating that “students are allotted a maximum of 16 absences for any full year class or 8 absences in any semester class. Upon reaching 17 absences for a full year class or 9 absences for a semester class, loss of credit will occur.” More information on the updated attendance policy can be found at https://www.rockbridge. k12.va.us/Page/1165.
The Rockbridge Area Health Center and RCHS are partnering to provide immediate care for students on school grounds. This is the first time the School Based Health Center will be available to RCHS students. Nurse Penni Allen and the administration are hoping this new opportunity will help keep students healthy and in school.
Renovations on the CTE wing of RCHS are expected to be completed by November. Around that time, CTE classes and students will move into the renovated building for the first time. Instruction will start in the new part of the building after students return from Christmas break.