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Friday, October 18, 2024 at 7:29 PM

Wells Would Cut Foreign Aid

Robby Wells is a former college football coach and educator who has served in the U.S. Army National Guard and as an ambassador and spokesperson for the International Human Rights Peace Commission. He has run for elective office on multiple occasions. In addition to running as an independent for the Sixth District congressional seat this year, he is also available as an automatic write-in presidential candidate in eight states.

In his current campaign for Congress, he said he would like to undertake “a unified effort” with “Democrats, Republicans and independents” to “come together to end gun violence in our schools. My plan, Vets for Kids, will end gun violence in public schools, protecting every child, employing thousands of veterans and protecting our Second Amendment rights. I believe that this is a plan that Democrats and Republicans alike should be able to come together on. As an independent, I hope to introduce this legislation with bipartisan support, since common sense is not a partisan issue.”

He said it’s “past time that we do something real with our southern border. My plan, service for freedom, would once and for all address the problem of illegal immigration at our southern borders while maintaining our status as the beacon light of freedom for the world. By eliminating federally unconstitutional departments, we will be able to take those funds to double our border patrol without raising taxes. Allowing those in search of the American Dream to enter our country, earn a taxable wage, learn the English language and the history of our nation, along with service to our country either in a local, state or federal capacity for a period of four years. Afterward, these individuals would earn the right to call themselves an American.”

Additionally, he continued, “it is time to protect our own backyard. It is appalling that we spend hundreds of billions each year in foreign military aid. Make no mistake, I will always stand up to bullies whether at home or abroad. We should always stand ready to stand with our allies. However, the days of writing blank checks to foreign countries in order to kill innocent children are over. My opponents, Congressman Cline and Ken Mitchell, both speak of an America First agenda. Make no mistake, a vote for Ben Cline or Ken Mitchell is a vote for America last.”

He said he has ideas for improving public education. “As a former educator and college football coach, I come to this question with decades of firsthand experience. Our education system has been in decline since the mid-1970s. The United States used to be in the top five in every major category when it came to education. For the last 50 years, this has continually been in a gradual decline. The first step that the federal government needs to take is to once again empower educators to teach the curriculum, instead of teaching a standardized test. Our federal government needs to take a strong stand against any agenda that is being pushed on our students that is not part of the curriculum. We need to educate our students from an earlier age, to a later age in order to compete against China and Japan. We can do this with universal childcare and free college tuition to a bachelor’s degree. We can pay for these by greatly reducing our military foreign aid and eliminating federally unconstitutional departments within our government. The federal government should also take over the payments on all student loans. Ask yourself, why is the United States the only western industrialized nation that does not have free college tuition?”

On the issue of human-caused climate change, Wells said, “Most scientists agree that humans do play a vital role in what occurs in our environment. I am not a scientist, so I trust the scientists. However, I am not sold on forcing Americans to give up their gas stoves and move to electric cars. I would propose the research of harnessing energy from the ocean’s waves. I would also propose the building of a high-speed rail system that would create jobs, improve safety on our roads, and naturally reduce our carbon footprint. This would additionally go a long way in protecting the lives of Virginians, bringing down the number of highway fatalities. In 2023, that number reached almost one thousand of our neighbors who got into their cars and never came home.”

On the security of U.S. elections, Wells said, “Unlike Congressman Cline, I believe that the 2020 election was conducted freely, fairly and with integrity. However, that does not mean that our current system is perfect or without room for improvement. With the technology the vast majority of us have at our fingertips today, voter fraud can be eliminated, resulting in no need for mail-in ballots or early voting. We should embrace the advancements in modern technology to ensure that our elections are fair and peaceful in order to see that democracy continues to triumph. If you have to show your ID to get into a political convention, or to register to vote, or to get on an airplane, train or to purchase alcohol or other controlled substances why shouldn’t we have to show our ID to actually vote? Technology would allow a retina scan from a mobile phone to allow citizens to vote from a mobile platform on Election Day, verifying the identity and registration status of each voter.”



Dr. Ronald Laub DDS
Hull's Drive In