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Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at 1:38 AM

Palmer Ice Cream Supper Volunteers Honored

Palmer Ice Cream Supper Volunteers Honored
AMONG THOSE ENJOYING dinner at the Palmer Community Center last month were (from left) Ruritan Cathi Honeycutt, Denise Honeycutt, Marilyn Fleming, Wendy Richards, Steve Richards, Ruritan Club Treasurer Stewart Fleming, Thomas Hearn, Carolyn Honeycutt, Ruritan President Chris Cartwright, Peggy Leasure and Jim Manley.

Fifty volunteers who helped with the 2024 Palmer Ice Cream Supper were honored with a dinner at the Palmer Community Center on Oct. 24 by the Effinger Ruritan Club and Palmer Community Center Board.

Ruritan Cathi Honeycutt decorated all the tables with black and white checkered tablecloths, and centerpieces of pumpkins, leaves and burlap.

The Rev. Daniel Montague of Mt. Horeb Methodist Church in Collierstown blessed the meal. At the conclusion of the meal, Ruritan Club President Chris Cartwright and Palmer Community Center Board President Rufus Tyree announced that over 1,000 people had attended the Ice Cream Supper and the net profit was $8,388, which was split between the Effinger Ruritan Club and Palmer Community Center, each receiving $4,194.

A multitude of guests were thanked for their efforts in helping with the Ice Cream Supper. A special thanks was given to Diane Schofield for obtaining the bands and to Grigg Mullen for the making the ice cream.

Cartwright conducted the monthly Ruritan meeting, announcing that the Nelson Hall Scholarship recipient for 2024 was Gaga Kelly. The amount awarded was $2,500. The scholarship is presented to a student from the area served by the Effinger Ruritan Club. Cartwright also welcomed the club’s two newest members, Elaine and Mark Nelson.

Club members continue supporting the Palmer Community Center by serving on the board, carrying out building maintenance, and maintaining the grounds. Preparations have started for the Rockbridge Christmas Basket Program. The club members help pack boxes, deliver boxes, and provide drinks and pastries for the event at the Virginia Horse Center.

The club has also made donations to the Hurricane Helene Relief Fund, Hunters for Hungry, the Boy Scouts, and the School Dictionaries program. Each year the club participates in the Adopt-A-Highway program.

The Effinger Ruritan Club is one of the oldest organizations in the program. To learn more about Effinger Ruritans or the Palmer Community Center, send an email to Ruth Parsons at ruthaparsons07@gmail.com.

CHRIS CARTWRIGHT, president of the Effinger Ruritan Club, speaks at the Oct. 24 dinner as Rufus Tyree listens.


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