Nov. 15, 2024 Editor, The News-Gazette: This past election season saw both political parties once again engaged in a false tradition. That is, signs along the highways saying, “So and-so is running for Congress.” Some Americans actually think that Congress and the House of Representatives are one and the same. Wrong! They are not. It is actually impossible to run for Congress. The signs should state that so-and-so is running for the House.
The Constitution, Article I, Section 1 (the ultimate authority) states the following: “All legislative power her in granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”
The News-Gazette has a responsibility to educate the public on the true facts. Instead the paper once again supported the “false tradition” by noting county votes for the House under the title of “Congress.” Please support the true facts – not ignorance! THOMAS TODD Rockbridge County