Nov. 25, 2024 Editor, The News-Gazette: Following your article on the front page of last week’s News-Gazette (“VMI Project Plans Raise ARB Concerns”), a number of your readers have contacted the Historic Lexington Foundation to ask for our help in saving the two beautiful 19th-Century houses that VMI is planning to demolish. We share their dismay.
HLF has contacted the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and delivered a letter to every member of VMI’s board of visitors. We have also contacted Del. Ellen Campbell and Sen. Chris Head.
Because VMI is a state agency and not subject to local control, neither the city nor its residents have much influence over decisions made by the board of visitors, whose members are appointed by the governor. The visitors have the state’s authority to demolish buildings, including the two in question, despite the fact that both buildings are contributing elements to our National Historic District.
HLF regrets that it is unable to do more. The VMI post is a beloved treasure to those of us who grew up or have moved here, and its history and traditions are part of our history and traditions. To those who are so moved, we suggest that you contact your state representatives and the VMI board of visitors directly and add your voice to ours. Once demolished, this heritage is erased and cannot be recovered. DEE-JOYCE HAYES President, HLF