Dec. 2, 2024 Editor, The News-Gazette: Worry is a type of fear triggered by a situation in which you only play a secondary role and ... I am worried.
I am worried about the “chipping away” of the historic aspects of this charming old town.
I am worried that historic homes are scheduled for demolition in order to build new buildings whose use is already served in old buildings.
I am worried that both of our fine educational institutions are imposing themselves on spaces that are not essential for their progress.
I am worried that too many of our historic markers are being lost, the results of which could destroy who we claim to be. We are the custodians of this history and it is our responsibility to hold its integrity for future generations.
I am worried that more of us are not writing letters asking those in powerful seats to re-think how they choose to use that power, actually assuming they can do what they want without regard for the efforts of the past, its stories, its homes, its people who built this village and what they saw in its value.
I urge any and all who care about our town and its history, to speak out, write letters, do what you can to protect this heritage. Once gone, it can’t be reclaimed Worry is in vain, action is essential!
BEVERLY TUCKER Past president, Historic Lexington Foundation