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Thursday, March 6, 2025 at 9:42 PM

If You Could Give Anything, What Would You Give To Your Parents/Family For Christmas?

I want to give my parents a puppy and it is a german shephered. Also a card with money, and a jet and a car and a truck. Wyatt Fifth grade, Central I would get my dad a work place, because he usually works 2 jobs and deserves it a lot. I would get my mom a new couch, because she hates the new one we just got. The biggest and last I would get my sister a Jeep car because here soon she will get her license and her dream car is a Jeep. For all of them, I would give them to share would be a new coffie maker. Ford Fifth grade, Central If I could give my brother anything, I would give him a monkey and a dog because the monkey can ride the dog and the kids all agree that a monkey is the best present ever. Beth Fourth grade, Central If I could give my mom and dad anything it would be a day off from everything because they are hardworking. Maddie Fourth grade, Central I would like to give my mom a teddy bear. I would like to give my dad a hat. Alexa Fifth grade, Central If I could give my family anything I would give them a new home and a new car because my Mom lives in a trailer and it is small. I want to give my Mom a new car because her car has been hit with a deer and it got really tore up. Areil Fourth grade, Central If I could give anything to my dad for Christmas it would be a new truck. He did have a truck, but he sold it. So I would want to give it to him. Winnie Fourth grade, Central If I could give my family anything I would give them everything because I want them to life a happy life. Justin Fourth grade, Central If I could give my parents anything I would give them love because my sibling are always rude and yell at them and they are the most hard working people I know. Nora Fourth grade, Central If I could give my family anything I would give them a trip to Mexico because we could see our family. Elizabeth Fourth grade, Central If I could give my family anything, I would give them love. Because they have raised me for 9 years. They fed me. They bought stuff for me. They are kind people. They’re grate-ful. They let me go to places and they protect me. Roman Fourth grade, Central I would want to give my parents, specifically my mom, a huge baking set. She really likes to make cakes and other treats. This would also benefit me, because I get to eat all these cakes. Plus she has an online bakery and could start making cakes for that more often. Adelaide Fifth grade, Central If I could give my family anything I would give them a fancy vacation and time with just me. Because they are always stressed. Emma Fourth grade, Central I would like to give my parents a kitchen robot that has 51 million years of life because my mom or my dad can go in the kitchen and ask the robot to make coffie. It can make breakfast, lunch and dinner and it can make you breakfast in bed to. The robot can do the dishes and put them away. Ayden Fifth grade, Central Well I give my parents a spa day but a Christmas one like I will get her some warm pjs and turn on the fireplace and we get a feet tub that has bubbles and I will massage her feet and put a face mask on her and paint her toe nails and clean them and give her hot chocolate. Alora Fifth grade, Central If I could give my dad anything I would give him a new car because he has to fix it all the time and I love him. Westin Fourth grade, Central If I could give my dad (because I don’t know my mom) anything for Christmas I would give him a whole lot of stuff. First some breath mints because he needs it badly. Next, some horror movie posters because he likes horror movies and horror stuff. Next, I would probably get him some new tools (car tools to be exact) so he can finally fix both of the cars because one of them is way overdue for a fix. Finally, I would get him the parts for the cars because it’s time to fix them for good. Starla Fifth grade, Central If I could give my parents any present I want I would give them a teleportation machine. Me and my parents don’t like driving so we could go places in less than a second and we could see our family that is far away more often. Joey Fifth grade, Central I would give my families less work and more time to spend with me and my two brothers because half of my family didn’t meet my older brother, and we don’t get to see all of my family at once. My Mom’s family lives in Ohio and my Dad’s live in Virginia and beyond. That’s why I give them more free time. Jaycee Fifth grade, Central I would give both my parents a hug for Christmas because it warms you up and can make you so much more happy. All I want is for them to be happy. Leila Fifth grade, Central If I could give a gift to a family member it would be 5 million dollars for my mom. I would give it to her because she is nice, loving, caring and sweet. She takes care of us and loves us. My mom could do the fancy things she wants to do and buy the things she wants because she didn’t get to when she was younger. Ella Fourth grade, Central If I could get my brother something for Christmas it would be Converses. One reason is because he just learned to walk. Another reason is because we are always going places. Raegan Fourth grade, Central If I could give my family anything, I would give them love and respect because my parents work very hard and will do anything to take care of me and my sister. My Grandmother and Grandfather also work hard to take care of my sister. My Grandfather works hard to build houses for us to live in. … My aunt also works hard because everyday she has to wrap up packages and ship them to people. So this is why I would give my family love and respect. Isabella Fourth grade, Central I would give both my parents a hug for Christmas because it warms you up and can make you so much more happy. All I want is for them to be happy. Leila Fifth grade, Central If I could give my family anything, I would give them love. Because they have raised me for 9 years. They fed me. They bought stuff for me. They are kind people. They’re grateful. They let me go to places and they protect me. Roman Fourth grade, Central If I could give my family anything I would give them hugs. The reason I would give them this is because I love my family and I want to show them that I love them very much. Also because I feel live everyone needs to be loved in life. Evelyn Fourth grade


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