Deborah Potter McCormick, 540-463-7652
Lighting the Christ Candle at the Collierstown Presbyterian Church on Christmas Eve were Kelsie and Josie Caldwell at the 3 p.m. service and Chas, Rosalea, Riley, Andi and Carly Potter at the 9 p.m. service. Leading the service and observance of the sacrament of Communion were Burr Datz and Elder Joan Potter. Special music was provided by Raynelle Ankney, Burr Datz and Donna Riley.
The Christ Candle was lighted on Christmas Eve by Lewis, Donna, and Kate Straub at the 7 p.m. service held at the Collierstown United Methodist Church. The service was led by the Rev. Daniel Montague. On Sunday, Dec. 29, both congregations of the Collierstown United Methodist Charge will worship together at the Mt. Horeb Church at 11 a.m. A covered-dish lunch and a time of fellowship will follow the worship service.
The Night Circle of the Collierstown Presbyterian Church will meet Thursday, Jan. 2, at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall. An optional light supper will be held beginning at 6:30. Rosalea Potter will lead the group’s study of hospitality with a lesson taken from Isaiah 58. For more information, call Debbie McCormick at (540) 4601325. All women are invited to join the group in person or on Facebook Live at 7 p.m.
As the 2024 year ends, the Effinger Volunteer Fire Department, first responders, and Auxiliary would like to thank the members of the community, the Effinger Ruritan Club, and the many patrons that have offered help with their fundraising events. Your support has been vital, enabling the fire department and first responders to better serve the greater Effinger community.