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Monday, March 3, 2025 at 6:21 PM

Government Notices


Notice is hereby given per Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 08 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations (the Regulations) that a public hearing will be held by the Rockbridge County Planning Commission on Wednesday, January 8, 2025, at or after 7:00 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room in the County Administration Building, 150 South Main Street, Lexington, Virginia 24450 to consider the following applications: 1. Proposed Irish Creek Agricultural/ Forestal Overlay District – The Office of Community Development has received applications for the creation of an Agricultural/ Forestal Overlay District in the Irish Creek Area. The core of the proposed district is located on the east and west side of Irish Creek Road (Route 603), approximately 5.52 miles east of the intersection of South River Road (Route 608) and Irish Creek Road (Route 603), with other qualifying applications within a one-mile radius of the core. The properties are in the Agricultural and Limited Uses (A-1) Zoning District. The applications and associated mapping are on file in the Office of Community Development and available for public inspection.

Information on these applications are available in the Rockbridge County Office of Community Development, 150 South Main Street, Lexington, Virginia, by phone at 540-464-9662 or by email at cslaydon@ rockbridgecountyva.gov


Pursuant to Code of Virginia Section 15.2-2204 , Section 15.21800, and the City of Buena Vista Land Development Regulations, notice is given that the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to receive comment on the following matters.

1) Conditional Use Permit, 2056 and 2068 Chestnut Avenue, to allow operation of a Bed and Breakfast Inn in existing dwellings, pursuant to Sections 604.03-6 and 714 of the Land Development Regulations.

2) Conditional Use Permit, Tax Map 9-A—-5, to be addressed 120/122 Sunset Ridge to waive the side setback requirement so that each unit of a duplex may be on separate fee-simple lots, pursuant to Section 630.01-3 of the Land Development Regulations.

The Public Hearing will be held in the City Council Chambers located in the Municipal Building located at 2039 Sycamore Avenue in Buena Vista during the regular monthly Planning Commission meeting at approximately 7:00 PM on Tuesday, January 14th 2025.

Staff reports for each matter, and a copy of the Comprehensive Plan, are available from the Director of Community Development, Thomas Roberts, 2039 Sycamore Avenue, Buena Vista VA 24416 or (540) 261-8607 or troberts@bvcity.



Pursuant to Code of Virginia Sections 15.2-2100, 15.2-2204, and 15.2-1800, notice is given that the City Council of the City of Buena Vista will hold a public hearing to receive comment on the following matters.

1) Zoning Map Amendment, 486 S Magnolia Avenue. Map Amendment to rezone parcels 60-1—-1C and 61-1—-1C1 from Conservation (C1) zoning to Low Density Residential (R1) zoning in alignment with current use, which is single-family residential. No development is proposed at this time.

2) Zoning Map Amendment and Conditional Use Permit, 2500 block of Sycamore Avenue. Rezone parcels 27-1-26-19, 20, 21, and 23 (forming the southeast quadrant of the block) from R3 Residential Limited to R4 Medium Density Residential for the purpose of renovating an existing building into a four-family dwelling and constructing four additional townhouse/duplex units.

3) Zoning Map Amendment, Conditional Use Permit, and Right of Way Abandonment, Tax Map 6-16-25-2, 40th Street and Catalp a Avenue. Map Amendment to rezone from R3 Residential Limited to R4 Medium Density Residential for the purpose of building a 8-unit apartment building; Conditional Use Permit to reduce minimum side and rear setbacks, and to construct and operate public laundromat. ROW abandonment of portion of alleyway at north end of property in order to realign alley to a new entrance/exit.

4) Granting an easement to The Advancement Foundation (TAF) for the purpose of installing and maintaining a private sanitary sewer line across City property and connecting to the City collection system, located between the railroad tracks and the Virginia Innovation Accelerator near 21st Street.

The Public Hearing will be held in Council Chambers, City Hall, 2039 Sycamore Ave, Buena Vista VA 24416. The meeting begins at 6:00 PM on Thursday, January 2nd 2025. Staff reports for each matter, and a copy of the Comprehensive Plan, are available from the Director of Community Development, Thomas Roberts, 2039 Sycamore Avenue, Buena Vista VA 24416 or (540) 261-8607 or [email protected].


Pursuant to Code of Virginia Sections 15.2-2204 and 15.2-1800, notice is given that the City Council of the City of Buena Vista will hold a public hearing to receive comment on the following matters. 1) Conditional Use Permit, 2056 and 2068 Chestnut Avenue, to allow operation of a Bed and Breakfast Inn in existing dwellings, pursuant to Sections 604.03-6 and 714 of the Land Development Regulations.

2) Abandonment of 125 undeveloped feet of Locust Avenue adjacent to 293 E 36th Street and Treemont Apartments.

3) Amendment to Code of the City of Buena Vista, Chapter 14, Article III Erosion and Sedimentation Control – Section 14-47 Definitions, for the purpose of updating the definition of “land-disturbing activity.”

The Public Hearing will be held in Council Chambers, City Hall, 2039 Sycamore Ave, Buena Vista VA 24416. The meeting begins at 6:00 PM on Thursday, January 16th 2025. Staff reports for each matter, and a copy of the Comprehensive Plan, are available from the Director of Community Development, Thomas Roberts, 2039 Sycamore Avenue, Buena Vista VA 24416 or (540) 261-8607 or [email protected].


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