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Monday, March 3, 2025 at 6:39 PM

Government Notices

City of Lexington Public Notice

Notice is hereby given that the Lexington City Council, on Thursday, January 16, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. during its regular meeting, held in the first floor meeting room of the Rockbridge County Administrative Offices, 150 South Main Street, Lexington,will hold a public hearing to consider the lease of real estate owned by the City of Lexington at 140 Evergreen Place for a term of twelve months for a monthly rent of $750 plus utilities. Jani L. Hostetter City Clerk


Pursuant to Code of Virginia Sections 15.2-2204 and 15.2-1800, notice is given that the City Council of the City of Buena Vista will hold a public hearing to receive comment on the following matters. 1) Conditional Use Permit, 2056 and 2068 Chestnut Avenue, to allow operation of a Bed and Breakfast Inn in existing dwellings, pursuant to Sections 604.03-6 and 714 of the Land Development Regulations.

2) Abandonment of 125 undeveloped feet of Locust Avenue adjacent to 293 E 36th Street and Treemont Apartments.

3) Amendment to Code of the City of Buena Vista, Chapter 14, Article III Erosion and Sedimentation Control – Section 14-47 Definitions, for the purpose of updating the definition of “land-disturbing activity.”

The Public Hearing will be held in Council Chambers, City Hall, 2039 Sycamore Ave, Buena Vista VA 24416. The meeting begins at 6:00 PM on Thursday, January 16th 2025. Staff reports for each matter, and a copy of the Comprehensive Plan, are available from the Director of Community Development, Thomas Roberts, 2039 Sycamore Avenue, Buena Vista VA 24416 or (540) 261-8607 or [email protected].


Notice is hereby given per Section 15.2-2204 of the Code of Virginia and Section 808 of the County of Rockbridge Land Development Regulations (the Regulations) that public hearings will be held by the Rockbridge County Board of Supervisors on Monday, January 27, 2025, at or after 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room in the County Administration Building, 150 South Main Street, Lexington, Virginia 24450 to consider the following applications: 1) Ronald A. and Janet K. Perkins, Trustees, 1080 Maury River Road, Lexington, Virginia 24450 have made an application for a conditional zoning map amendment. The properties (above address) are owned by Ronald A. and Janet K. Perkins and are located on the east side of Maury River Road, approximately 1.47 miles north of the intersection of Maury River Road (Route 39) and Alphin Lane (Route 750). The properties are further identified as tax map numbers 62-19-B (17.992 ac. – per tax records) and 62-19-A (25.44 ac. – per tax records). The properties are currently in the General Residential (R-1) Zoning District. The application is to rezone the properties to the Agricultural Transitional (A-T) Zoning District, with acceptance of potential proffers. The properties are in the Walkers Creek Magisterial District.

2) John Kuder, 189 Sulphur Springs Road, Natural Bridge, Virginia, 24578 has made an application for a Special Exception Permit to continue to operate a commercial kennel. The property (above address) is owned by John Kuder and Cynthia Hunter and is further identified as tax map number 966-5D. The property is located on the east side of Sulphur Springs Road (Rt. 683) approximately 0.23 miles south of the intersection of Plank Road (Route 610) and Sulphur Springs Road. The property is in the Agricultural and General Uses (A-2) Zoning District. Per section 603.03 5 of the Regulations, commercial kennels are a use by special exception in the A-2 District. The property is in the Buffalo Magisterial District.

Information on these applications are available in the Rockbridge County Office of Community Development, 150 South Main Street, Lexington, Virginia, by phone at 540-464-9662 or by email at cslaydon@ rockbridgecountyva.gov


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