Tuesday - Snow has been falling heavily throughout the Rockbridge area today, covering roads and closing schools, offices and many businesses.
The following press release was sent out by VDOT at 11 this morning.
Snow has overspread the Shenandoah Valley and Alleghany Highlands, creating hazardous driving on many roadways. Conditions will change rapidly Tuesday afternoon as snowfall is expected to intensify, and be followed by freezing rain in some areas. Do not travel except for emergencies.
The Virginia Department of Transportation has trucks plowing and treating roads throughout the 11-county Staunton District. Their efforts are more efficient and safer when there are fewer vehicles on the roadways. VDOT’s winter operations will continue until all roads are passable.
Here are the road conditions as of 11 a.m. Tuesday in the VDOT Staunton District:
Interstate 64 – Moderate conditions in Alleghany and Rockbridge counties. Minor conditions in Augusta County.
nterstate 81 – Moderate conditions in Rockbridge County. Minor conditions in Augusta County. Clear conditions in Rockingham, Shenandoah and Frederick counties.
Primary roads – Moderate conditions in Alleghany, Bath and Rockbridge counties. Minor conditions in Highland, Augusta and Rockingham counties. Clear conditions in Page, Shenandoah, Frederick, Clarke and Warren counties.
Secondary roads – Moderate conditions in Alleghany, Bath, Rockbridge and Augusta counties. Minor conditions in Highland and Rockingham counties. Clear conditions in Page, Shenandoah, Frederick, Clarke and Warren counties.
Weather and road conditions will vary significantly around the state. If travel is essential, check local weather sources and road conditions at 511Virginia for your entire route before leaving.
The updated URL and website for 511Virginia is https://511.vdot.virginia.gov/. Apps are also available for Android and iOS devices. 511 has traffic cameras, current crash locations, weather conditions and more. The public can sign-up for 511 alerts to be sent to their personal device. Roads with snow and ice conditions are marked minor, moderate, severe or closed.
Road condition definitions:
- Closed – Road is closed to all traffic.
- Severe – drifting or partially blocked road.
- Moderate – snow or ice on major portions of the roadway.
- Minor – bare pavement except for isolated spots of snow, ice or slush. Driving with caution is recommended.