Esther Pennington, 540-291-2629
High Bridge Presbyterian Church took up the “noisy can” offering this past Sunday, and Leigh Ann McCoy taught “wee church.”
The afternoon circle has rescheduled its meeting for Feb. 18 at 1 p.m. at the church fellowship hall.
Sympathy is extended to Gladys and Dennis Link and Lynda Wood on the death of their brother, Dave Link, who passed away on Tuesday, Feb. 4. A graveside service was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Timothy Madison and the Rev. Steve Willis at High Bridge Church Monday. There was a reception for family and friends at the Natural Bridge Volunteer Fire Department afterward.
The Natural Bridge area is saddened by the recent deaths of three men who grew up locally and attended Natural Bridge High School. They are Ronnie Madison, Dave Link and John Towler.
The food pantry will open promptly at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 15, and close at 11 a.m. The High Bridge congregation is collecting canned tuna and salmon for the food pantry during the month of February.