Glasgow Town Council recently approved a distribution of the town’s latest American Relief Plan Act funds.
The fire and first aid departments are each getting $75,000, the Community Center is being given $35,000 for a heating and cooling system and $43,000 is going toward upgrading the town’s water and sewer systems.
In other news from last month’s meeting, Town Council was notified that only one application has been received for the position of town police. The search to fill this position is to be broadened to a larger area in an effort to seek out more applicants.
Donna Conner, a former town employee, has been hired as the town’s new finance director. She will work mostly from home.
Joyce Elaine Carter, president of the Concerned Citizens, was appointed to the Community Development Committee, as was Council member Lisa Rogers. Town Council also appointed Billy Thomas and reappointed Council member Natalie Harris to the Planning Commission.
Town Manager George Hayfield said Rebecca Joyce, who has been working with the Planning Commission, has agreed to conduct a retreat, or training session, for Town Council members. The date has yet to be decided.
Carolyn Bradley, Farmers Market manager, noted that plans are moving forward for the opening weekend, May 6, with a craft and bakers event. Council member Lisa Rogers asked if there were written guidelines as to what can and cannot be sold. Bradley said there are, and she would see that all Council members received a copy by e-mail.
The new regional fair director, Tommy Smals, contacted Hayfield concerning the upcoming event later this summer and indicated they would like to build a pole barn on the grounds at Locher Field. Hayfield said the town would like a “long- term” agreement for holding the fair in Glasgow.
Matt Wall contacted the town about holding an annual kayak race on the James River, with participants putting in at the canoe launch. After some discussion, Council gave its approval. The first such event is planned for May 13 of this year.
Council member Marcie Hill asked about expenses for a drainage pipe that was installed at the residence of Lisa Rangel to remove standing water from around and under her house. Discussion revolved around whether the standing water was due to recent work done in the alleyway or to natural springs in the area that overflow during heavy rains. Mayor Paul Williams said Rangel would be reimbursed at least $500.
Council members accepted the resignation of Hayfield, effective March 5. He is leaving to become Buchanan town manager.