Rachel Clark, (630) 607-9938 [email protected]
Thank you to everyone who helped lead the congregation with music on Sunday morning at New Monmouth Presbyterian Church. Thank you Karen, Laura, Sarah, Tim, Hope, and Casey! The adult Sunday school continues to discuss the minor prophets on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. They just wrapped up the book of Jonah and will begin Micah this coming Sunday. Join us!
Congratulations to Alex Foresman who received a promotion to lieutenant as a firefighter. We celebrate with Alex’s mom, Janet Drake, that she was able to be there to pin on his badges.
Snow is expected again this week, so please check your emails and texts regarding whether or not the Wednesday evening Bible study will be meeting at 5:15. The sewing club postponed last week’s meeting to this coming Thursday. Come on out to sew together at 3:30 pm.
Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for young Noah who is undergoing chemo treatment at St. Jude’s hospital. Noah received his care package filled with drawings and was excited. Thank you to Hope for sewing some special gifts that Noah will get in his next delivery!
The annual pancake dinner will take place on Tuesday, March 4, (“Fat Tuesday”) from 5 to 7 p.m. We will have pancakes, sausage and fruit. Church members, please sign up to help out if you can. All are invited to this dinner, which is free of charge. If you would like to make a donation, we are collecting regularsized personal care items to be dispersed at the high school as well as through the health center. Suggested items are deodorant, soap, shampoo, conditioner, razors and toothpaste. Monetary donations will be used to purchase these items as well. Donations are appreciated, but completely optional.
An Ash Wednesday service will be held at New Monmouth Presbyterian Church at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5.
The children will present their musical at the 11 a.m. service on March 9.
The next Lunch Bunch gathering will take place on Tuesday, March 11, at 12:30 p.m. at Golden Garden in Lexington. A church work day is scheduled for March 22 at 9 a.m. Rain date is March 29.