Feb. 24, 2025 Editor, The News-Gazette: As an independent voter, and not-long-retired federal employee I am beyond disappointed by the obnoxious and demoralizing behavior of this administration toward civil servants.
These are people, not numbers, who for years have been doing the bidding for Congress. They work across administrations, adapt when given unfunded mandates, keep things running through budget cuts, jump when legislators call with a request.
Inefficiency often results from legislative requirements by the House or Senate. Congress has failed in its job for years by appropriating funds and not checking to determine how they’re spent. Instead of doing the hard part of their job that involves compromising, they balance budgets and now the national debt, on the back of federal employees.
Many of these employees have given significant years of their lives in service to the American people. They’re smart, hardworking and go without salary through government shutdowns. The GOP Congress is silently allowing this sweeping behavior of removing thousands of employees without notice, cause, or due process.
The Civil Service Reform Act establishes the framework for how RIFs should be conducted and yet Congress is silent. These constituents pay taxes, contribute to our economy, have mortgages and rent, child and elder care, health care costs, and other financial responsibilities. Many reside where job opportunities are now few. Many voted for Republican legislators! And still Congress silently lets this happen. House members worry about losing jobs; 218 Republicans in the House versus the many thousands of federal employees taking it on the chin for them. Federal employees didn’t overspend; the House overspent.
The downstream effects resulting from arbitrary and indiscriminate layoffs in communities across the country are enormous. The GOP legislators should show some grit. They should represent their constituents and stand up to Musk. Trump has authority but this cost cutting approach is cruel. DEBBIE POLLARD Lexington