Rachel Clark, (630)
On Sunday, March 2, New Monmouth Presbyterian Church celebrated the Lord’s Supper during worship. Thank you to Alex Slaydon and Hope Bird who helped to serve communion and to Karen Duff, Tim Hodges, Hope Bird, Calvin Clark, Casey Clark and Rachel Clark who helped lead the praise song:. Thank you to Laura Hotinger, Teresa Thompson and Dianne Swink for providing the offertory music.
Donations received at Tuesday’s pancake dinner went towards supplying the high school and the Rockbridge Area Health Center with toiletries, but you can still bring in full size items (deodorants, shampoos, soaps, conditioners, etc) that we will deliver.
Today, March 5, is Ash Wednesday, and New Monmouth will have a service at 6 p.m. There will not be Bible Study at 5:15. There will be a gathering after the service for those interested in choir music or music groups. We will discuss Easter music or any other special music in the coming months.
On Saturday the youth will head to the Maple Festival with Tim and Janeen Welsh.
A group of hard-working children and adults will present their musical on Sunday, March 9, at 11 a.m. A reception with finger foods will follow. Those interested in helping out with vacation Bible school will also meet after church.
Next week Daylight Saving Time begins. Don’t forget to move your clocks forward!
Lunch Bunch will meet March 11 at Golden Garden. Later dates are April 8, May 13 and June 3.
Tim Welsh announced a church work day for March 22. Music Sunday will be March 30. Let the Clarks know if you have special music to share.
The Rockbridge Historical Society will have a special presentation about Kerrs Creek on Sunday, March 30, at 2 p.m. in the sanctuary at New Monmouth. Larry Spurgeon and Pauline McKee will present on the “Kerrs Creek Raids: Life and Death on the Rockbridge Frontier.” This presentation is open to the community and free of charge. New Monmouth Presbyterian is located at 2348 West Midland Trail.