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Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 11:03 PM

W&L Second In Applied Ethics Bowl

W&L Second In Applied Ethics Bowl
THE RUNNER-UP title at the VFIC Applied Ethics Bowl went to a team from Washington and Lee University. Seen here at the event are (front row, from left) team members Joshua Davidson, Katia Apedoh, Winter Ashley and Amanda Tan; Brian Kinner, TowneBank presenting sponsor; (back row) Locke Ogens, VFIC President; W&L faculty coordinators Brandon Conley and Paul Gregory; and team member Roman Schlichter.

W&L Second In Applied Ethics Bowl

A fi ve-student t eam f rom Washington and Lee University was the runner up of 16 teams that competed in the 25th Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges’ Applied Ethics Bowl, held Feb. 7 at the University of Richmond.

The student teams from throughout Virginia deliberated over four rounds of case studies with ethical dilemmas related to artificial intelligence. The teams presented their analyses to panels of judges comprised of business, professional and community leaders from across the commonwealth.

W&L’s student team featured Katia Apedoh ’27, Winter Ashley ’25, Joshua Davidson ’28, Roman Schlichter ’26 and Amanda Tan ’26. Brandon Conley, visiting assistant professor of philosophy, and Paul Gregory, professor of philosophy, served as faculty coordinators for the team.

In addition to the competition, participating students had the opportunity to meet with corporate leaders from various career fields during a networking luncheon and reception.

The Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges aims to advance the distinctive values and strengths of the 17 Virginia colleges that make up the consortium. For additional information on the VFIC, visit www.vfic.org.


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