Feb. 26, 2025 Editor, The News-Gazette: Often we take many of our public services for granted or are quick to complain when they are not up to standard. Today, I would like to thank and show my appreciation to the VDOT crew for the excellent job they do in maintaining all our roads, paved and gravel, preparing them for hazardous conditions, and clearing debris from the numerous low water bridges we have in this county after flooding.
We live on a gravel road with a low water bridge crossing Buffalo Creek. There are only three families that live on this road, so you think we would be the last on the list to upkeep and care for. Not so. VDOT is so quick and diligent to maintain the roads when potholes need filling, gravel needs adding, snow needs plowing, and huge logs need clearing from the bridge. They are not only quick to respond, but they do a great job in everything .
We’d just like to say thank you to all the crew at this public service organization. We are grateful and wish all government organizations worked as well as you! Keep up the great work. REBECCA TAYLOR Rockbridge County