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Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 8:25 PM

Celebrating The ‘Crows’ Post’

Celebrating The ‘Crows’ Post’

A large crowd turned out for the “Bond of Friendship: The Crows’ Post” program in Glasgow on Feb. 22 sponsored by the Local History Center of the Rockbridge Regional Library in conjunction with other community partners. During the event, the replica bench was dedicated, and participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony were (in top left photo, from left) Maurice Sledd, property owner; the Rev. Brandall Branch, Glasgow Council member; Maxine Gray, author of “The Crows’ Post”; Tom Camden, Glasgow vice mayor; Allyson Finchum, town manager; Donald Wayne Early; and Clarence Martin. ABOVE, Aurora Gregg, Natural Bridge Elementary School fifth grade poetry contest winner, reads her poem about the importance of friendship in the world. AT IMMEDIATE LEFT, Donald Wayne Early, holding his painting of the Crows’ Post, reenacts his photo taken in the early 1960s, seen at far left.


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