The Buena Vista Fire Department celebrated its 2024 accomplishments at the annual banquet and awards ceremony on Saturday, Feb. 1. The event recognized outstanding service and dedication among its members.
The top honors went to Steven Amos, Firefighter of the Year; Jeff Wright, Fireman of the Year; Mason Davis, Hose and Nozzle Award; Kabell Austin, Junior of the Year; Jason Snider, Officer of the Year; Matthew Snider, Rookie of the Year; Jason Tomlin, Conner-Crouch Fire Police of the Year; Melvin Henson, Soaring Eagle Award; Summer Tomlin, Outstanding in EMS; Mickeal Lotts, Lifetime Award; Matthew Snider, Allen Fortune and Steven Amos, Chief’s Awards.
The department also recognized members for years of service, including 50-year honorees Herbie Huffman and Melvin Henson; 40-year honoree Barry Camden; 30year honorees Jason Snider and Timmy Armentrout; 25year honoree Ricky Rowsey; 10-year honorees Tyler Floyd, Hunter Floyd and Dustin Rice; and five-year pin recipients Katelyn Armentrout, Dalton Argenbright, Eason Mikels and Bill Ramsey.
Also recognized were the top responders for 2024, for fire police and fire department members with the most calls. Jason Tomlin led the fire police with the most calls, followed by Herbie Huffman in second and Ricky Rowsey in third.
For the fire department, John Rowsey took first place in calls, with Jason Snider in second, and Matthew Snider in third. Other top responders included Steven Amos, fourth; Kyle Snider, fifth; Allen Fortune, sixth; John Rogers, seventh; Mason Davis, eighth;, Jacob Tomlin, ninth; and Kevin Mikels, 10th.
Officers for 2025 were inducted by Nathan Ramsey, Rockbridge County fire chief. John Rowsey will serve as chief, Jason Snider as deputy chief, Chase Coffey as assistant chief, Kevin Mikels as captain, John Rogers as 1st lieutenant, Dustin Rice as 2nd lieutenant, Tyler Floyd as 3rd lieutenant, Timothy Armentrout as president, Herbie Huffman as vice president, Courtney Dickinson Austin as secretary, and Jason Tomlin as treasurer.
Auxiliary officers for 2025 include Mae Rowsey as president, Gloria Martin as vice president, Denise Roberts as secretary, Anita Argenbright as treasurer, and Julia Hopkins as chaplain. Auxiliary top honors went to both Anita and Timmy Argenbright for The Tiny Sizer Award and Gloria Martin for her outstanding leadership for her 10 years as auxiliary president 2014-2024.

TIMMY and Anita Argenbright won the Tiny Sizer Award from the auxiliary. Gloria Martin was also recognized for her 10 years as auxiliary president, 2014-2024.

THE 2025 BVFD line officers include (seated, from left) John Rogers, Kevin Mikels, (back row) Chase Coffey, Jason Snider, and John Rowsey. Not pictured are Dustin Rice and Tyler Floyd.

AWARD WINNERS at this year’s Buena Vista Fire Department’s banquet included (seated, from left) Melvin Henson, Matthew Snider, Mason Davis, Ricky Rowsey, Jason Snider, (standing) Mike Lotts, Kabell Austin, Allen Fortune, Jason Tomlin, Steve Amos, Jeff Wright and Herbie Huffman.