Outdoor Theater
Boxerwood’s Spectacle 2023, “A Wild Notion,” had to be shortened to just one day’s performance because of the rainy forecast for Saturday, but about 400 people turned out Sunday afternoon for the outdoor theatrical event. Among the scenes were (clockwise from above) performers showing larger-than-life oracles, Turtle and Heron, a map of Rockbridge County; lead fox Marla Palma conspiring with fellow foxes Jasper Murphy and Ollie Fox; Larry Evans “voicing” the turtle; puppeteers Sarah Balcomb, Caroline Coons and Kirin Lattomus moving Maxine the puppet across the field; youth drummers, led by Martha Burford, providing a beat for dancers; Lacey Lynch leading the Rockbridge Youth Chorale in an original song; Liam Murphy and Eliana Khoshpasand performing as little flying moths; and Halestone dancers surrounding the Heron oracle during the show’s prologue. (Stephanie Mikels Blevins photos)
10/18/2023 12:00 AM