Your weekly guide to arts and entertainment in Lexington, VA and Rockbridge County.
Rachel Clark, (630) 607-9938 [email protected]
Karyn Gardner, (540) 228-2176, (540) 655-3646 [email protected]
Deborah Potter McCormick, 540-463-7652 The Collierstown United Methodist Church would like to thank all the patrons who gave donations and enjoyed meals at the church’s spaghetti supper on Saturday, J an. 2 1. A h ighlight of the evening was the fellowship enjoyed by those that “dined in” and for patrons who came and picked up meals to be enjoyed at home. Proceeds from the meal will be used to fund various ministries of the church.
Esther Pennington, High Bridge Presbyterian Church will receive the Fifth Sunday Mission Offering on Jan. 29.
An estimated 400 people turned out for the 24th annual Lee-Jackson Day memorial service and parade on a clear but cold Saturday morning. About half of those were reenactors and parade participants, the majority from Virginia and West Virginia, with some from North Carolina, Alabama, South Carolina and Florida. The “General Lee” car from the “Dukes of Hazard” also joined in the parade. (Stephanie Mikels Blevins photos)
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Rockbridge Conservation’s next webinar will be tonight, Wednesday, Jan 18, at 7 and will focus on invasive plants species in the Rockbridge area, including Kudzu, Chinese privet, Japanese knotweed, burning bush and tree of heaven.
Washington and Lee’s Staniar Gallery is presenting “Futile State,” a solo exhibition by sculptor Sam Blanchard.
The Concert Guild of Washington and Lee University will open its winter 2023 season on Saturday, Jan. 21, at 8 p.m. in the Wilson Concert Hall with a performance by Collective Euphonia. Tickets are required.
Knick-Powell Engagement
The law office of Natkin & Crickenberger, P.C., has announced that long-time Lexington attorney Kent Gibson is joining the firm as an attorney.
Bridge Academy
Evelyn Ayers, 540-463-2727 There will be a congregational meeting immediately following the worship service at Oxford Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Jan. 22. The purpose of the meeting is to hear a report from the finance committee chairman, Rufus Tyree, concerning the 2023 church budget.
Deborah Potter McCormick, 540-463-7652
Carolyn Bradley, 258-2720
Esther Pennington, 540-291-2629 High Bridge officers installed Jan 8 were elders Linda Wood and Mary Carson Worley (installed and ordained); installed as deacons were Tom Thompson, Jimmy Black and David Tolley.
MLK Celebration At First Baptist
A spaghetti supper will be held at the Collierstown United Methodist Church on Saturday, Jan. 21, from 5 until 7:30 p.m.
MSBV Accepted Into ‘Mobilizing’ Cohort Program
NYT Reporters To Discuss Book At W&L